Saturday, March 21, 2009


I have finally finished the bottom half of the tote bag I am making for my mother for her birthday. It needs to be sewn together at the seams. I am now working on the handles. The main part of the tote bag was long and boring. It was all stockinette stitch. Which is knit one row purl the next row for 240 rows. The handle will be the same only less stitches and only 140 rows. Then I will have to attach the 2 handles to the tote bag.

The bag is made out of wool will be put in the washer in hot water to get it to shrink and felt. Then the dryer for a few minutes. It will come out all fuzzy. I hope she will like it.

I am late for her birthday it was March 8th. I did tell her I was making something for her but I was behind in my knitting projects.


  1. She will love it!!! :)

  2. Cool! It's about time you got a blog ;0)

    Can't wait to see the bag. Be sure to post a pic of it!

  3. I will definitely post a picture. I am still working on getting this site set up. It's all new to me.
